My last Nikon, or Sayonara Nikon

(Originally posted on March 17, 2019 by DEKEL.EU)

I have recently purchased the Nikon D850. It is a good camera, but definitely my last Nikon.

You might ask, why would someone like me, who was a “Nikonist” from day one and personally responsible for some of the funniest insults to “Canoinists” wherever they are, why would I take such decision?

The answer is very simple. Nikon has fallen asleep again, loosing site of the market and the camera I have today, was actually supposed to be produced four years ago, if not earlier.

The complete article can be found on DEKEL.EU:

My last Nikon or Sayonara Nikon – Photography

DEKEL.EU Nikon Camera
DEKEL.EU Nikon Camera

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