Storytellers from Around the Globe Gather for the Sixth Edition of the Storytelling Festival

From 2 to 10 November 2013, the Storytelling Festival comes back to Amsterdam for the sixth time to give a stage to the best Dutch and international storytellers and their beautiful tales and old legends.


The festival takes place at Podium Mozaiek, the NDSM Shipyard and the The OBA public library. It features performances by the Canadian storytellers Dan Yashinsky and Dale Jarvis, Frank Adam and Isabelle DeSegher from Belgium, a premiere show by Raphael Rodan & Sahand Sahebdivani and the Dutch storytelling talents Wijnand Stomp, Eric Borrias and Niels Brandaan.

The festival and storytellers are aiming at promoting the old form of art and preserve it in today’s digital world.  The focus of this year’s edition is on New World stories.

The program of the Storytelling Festival will also include a few workshops.

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